Hype Horizen j3ster Challenge

HypeHorizen is beta testing the new j3ster Twitch app from January 5 to January 15.

To announce the beta launch of a new and exciting application for streamers and viewers, HypeHorizen Streamers, Ecore100, DracoCatt, Dmoney and VengaDragon are participating in the j3ster Challenge. Starting January 5, fans and viewers will submit their creative challenges through j3ster.gg HypeHorizen Team Members on their streams..

The HypeHorizen j3ster Challenge will end on January 15, 2021, and voting will take place on Twitter for the most creative challenge received during the promotion duration.

VengaDragon states, “This is a great tool for streamers who are looking to monetize their streams. Ecore100 and I dropped into a call with the CEO, and within a few minutes, we were signed up and testing the application. It’s super easy and, more importantly, secure because it uses PayPal. Creative ways for streamers to earn money and further their chances to become full-time streamers are important to HypeHorizen and j3ster; it’s a win that we’re hyped to promote.”


Ecore100 | https://twitch.tv/ecore100

DracoCatt | https://twitch.tv/dracocatt

Dmoney | https://twitch.tv/dmoneygames

VengaDragon | https://youtube.com/vengadragon

j3ster is a mobile-enabled web application with no download required. Streamers can view the history tab to see the types of challenges their fans have created. The viewer challenges are easily made by the fan using a simple interface. When a new challenge is submitted, the streamer is alerted on the broadcast. At that time, the streamer can accept or decline the challenge.

Clips, challenges and hype should tag @GamingJ3st on Twitter for the chance of a streamer’s fan to win $500. On January 15, the voting for the best challenge will begin. More details about the promotion are on HypeHorizen and its social media and Twitter @GamingJ3st


Hype Horizen j3ster Challenge on pr.com


The founder and CEO of HypeHorizen.

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