Bringing the Community to You

Some of you may have heard whispers of a forthcoming project. Those whispers are getting louder. Pretty soon we will be unveiling the Community Team. Unlike our Stream and Competitive teams, this venture will cater to the small streamers. It will offer benefits of being involved with an eSports team. Different tiers of involvement get different rewards. The more you bring to us, the more we give back to you!

The Team is going to be a tiered community team for streamers. It will initially focus on Twitch streaming, but we are looking to branch out to other platforms as well. It will serve as a gateway to our Stream Team, and people at the highest tier will be able to get on the wait list for when we open the team up to new members.

Guy Grumpy
GuyGrumpy wants YOU! To join the Community Team.

Spearheading the effort are GuyGrumpy and SkaJohnny. This has been something Guy and the leadership have been planning for quite some time. One of the reasons, according to GuyGrumpy is, “it is very difficult for us to tell our friends and fans that we aren’t taking applications or that they haven’t grown their channels enough. The community team will provide a framework where new and smaller streamers can feel like they are part of the team, and have access to the support and resources to help them grow.” The other owners are very excited about it as well. VengaDragon’s take is “the Community Team is a chance for HypeHorizen to spread goodwill and give accolades to people that work hard. Spreading positivity and seeing people grow are extremely important to me. There is nothing better than seeing people grow and achieve their goals.”

If you’re wondering, we do have a small taste of some of those rewards that you’ll be able to grab. We will be looking to expand on these perks going forward! Some of the perks include: Custom transitions/branding for the HypeHorizen team, Mentoring with other members of the community/stream team, and even Shop Codes! These will all be tailored to your level within the organization. More details will arrive in the coming weeks as we prepare a full launch.

We expect the team to launch by the end of January 2021. More details will follow as we get closer. If you have any comments/questions/feedback, please leave us a message below!


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A competitive esports organization to provide support, mentoring, stream assistance and game training to its roster members. Follow us on Twitter @HypeHorizen, Instagram @HypeHorizen and YouTube @HypeHorizen

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